Gigantic oak tree on the witches' path between Alzing and Vaudreching. You can recognize it by its greyish trunk and its scary, bare branches. It is called "Hexenboom".
©Julie MORITZ - Trois Frontières Tourisme
stdClass Object ( [id] => 846145941 [nom] => ARBRE DES SORCIÈRES [type] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 4000050 [nom] => Environmental heritage ) [entite_gestionnaire] => 846 [nom_entite_gestionnaire] => TROIS FRONTIERES TOURISME [coordonnees] => stdClass Object ( [complement_adresse] => Route entre Alzing et Vaudreching [code_postal] => 57320 [libelle_commune] => ALZING [telephone1] => 03 87 78 49 05 [email1] => [pays] => FRANCE ) [type_georeferencement] => 2 [libelle_georeferencement] => précis [latitude] => 49,2801274799581 [longitude] => 6,538313782959 [commentaire] => Gigantic oak tree on the witches' path between Alzing and Vaudreching. You can recognize it by its greyish trunk and its scary, bare branches. It is called "Hexenboom". [prestataire] => stdClass Object ( [raison_sociale] => [civilite] => Monsieur [nom] => EGLER [prenom] => Jean-Marie [fonction] => Maire [coordonnees] => stdClass Object ( [num_voie] => 4A [libelle_voie] => rue de la Roseraie [distri_speciale] => [code_postal] => 57320 [libelle_commune] => ALZING [telephone1] => 03 87 78 49 05 [telephone2] => [telephone3] => [fax] => [email1] => [email2] => [url1] => [url2] => [pays] => FRANCE ) ) [debut_validite] => 30/11/2020 [fin_validite] => 31/12/2050 [marquage] => 0 [datmaj] => 26/11/2024 10:52:57 [datecreation] => 30/11/2020 15:43:34 [horaires] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [date_debut] => 01/01/2024 [date_fin] => 31/12/2024 [heures] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [heure_debut] => [heure_fin] => [lundi] => O [mardi] => O [mercredi] => O [jeudi] => O [vendredi] => O [samedi] => O [dimanche] => O [acces_permanent] => 1 [tps_acces_fin] => 0 [commentaire] => ) ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [date_debut] => 01/01/2025 [date_fin] => 31/12/2025 [heures] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [heure_debut] => [heure_fin] => [lundi] => O [mardi] => O [mercredi] => O [jeudi] => O [vendredi] => O [samedi] => O [dimanche] => O [acces_permanent] => 1 [tps_acces_fin] => 0 [commentaire] => ) ) ) ) [criteres] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736000294 [nom] => Photo [type_critere] => 0 [type_valeur] => 6 [classe] => 0 [valeur] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736001119 [nom] => Photographic credit [type_critere] => 0 [type_valeur] => 2 [classe] => 0 [valeur] => Julie MORITZ - Trois Frontières Tourisme ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736001142 [nom] => Photo2 [type_critere] => 0 [type_valeur] => 6 [classe] => 0 [valeur] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736001143 [nom] => Crédit photo2 [type_critere] => 0 [type_valeur] => 2 [classe] => 0 [valeur] => Julie MORITZ - Trois Frontières Tourisme ) ) [disponibilites_synthetiques] => Array ( ) [disponibilites_detail] => Array ( ) [criteres_formates] => Array ( [Photo] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736000294 [nom] => Photo [type_critere] => 0 [type_valeur] => 6 [classe] => 0 [valeur] => ) [Photographic credit] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736001119 [nom] => Photographic credit [type_critere] => 0 [type_valeur] => 2 [classe] => 0 [valeur] => Julie MORITZ - Trois Frontières Tourisme ) [Photo2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736001142 [nom] => Photo2 [type_critere] => 0 [type_valeur] => 6 [classe] => 0 [valeur] => ) [Crédit photo2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736001143 [nom] => Crédit photo2 [type_critere] => 0 [type_valeur] => 2 [classe] => 0 [valeur] => Julie MORITZ - Trois Frontières Tourisme ) ) ) 1