Specialising in fast food for over 30 years, the Buchheit snack bar is an institution in Sierck! The chef prepares delicious sandwiches as well as tasty dishes, prepared with fresh products. Closed on Thursday evening.
©Snack Buchheit
6 place Jean de Morbach
Horaires de service :
Jours de fermeture :
Fermé le lundi Fermé le mardi Fermé le mercredi Fermé le vendredi Fermé le samedi Fermé le dimanche
Horaires de service :
Jours de fermeture :
stdClass Object ( [id] => 846080078 [nom] => SNACK BUCHHEIT [type] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 4000025 [nom] => Restaurant ) [entite_gestionnaire] => 846 [nom_entite_gestionnaire] => TROIS FRONTIERES TOURISME [coordonnees] => stdClass Object ( [num_voie] => 6 [libelle_voie] => place Jean de Morbach [code_postal] => 57480 [libelle_commune] => SIERCK LES BAINS [telephone1] => 03 82 83 71 52 [telephone2] => 03 82 50 46 51 [email1] => [url1] => [pays] => FRANCE ) [type_georeferencement] => 2 [libelle_georeferencement] => précis [latitude] => 49,441521 [longitude] => 6,35455100000001 [commentaire] => Specialising in fast food for over 30 years, the Buchheit snack bar is an institution in Sierck! The chef prepares delicious sandwiches as well as tasty dishes, prepared with fresh products. Closed on Thursday evening. [personne_en_charge] => stdClass Object ( [civilite] => Mme [nom] => BUCHHEIT [prenom] => Elisabeth [coordonnees] => stdClass Object ( [num_voie] => 6 [libelle_voie] => place Jean de Morbach [code_postal] => 57480 [libelle_commune] => SIERCK LES BAINS [telephone1] => 03 82 83 71 52 [telephone2] => 03 82 50 46 51 [email1] => [url1] => [pays] => FRANCE ) ) [prestataire] => stdClass Object ( [raison_sociale] => SNACK BUCHHEIT [civilite] => Madame [nom] => BUCHHEIT [prenom] => Elisabeth [fonction] => Propriétaire [coordonnees] => stdClass Object ( [num_voie] => 6 [libelle_voie] => place Jean de Morbach [distri_speciale] => [code_postal] => 57480 [libelle_commune] => SIERCK LES BAINS [telephone1] => 03 82 83 71 52 [telephone2] => 03 82 50 46 51 [telephone3] => [fax] => [email1] => [email2] => [url1] => [url2] => [pays] => FRANCE ) ) [debut_validite] => 11/05/2001 [fin_validite] => 31/12/2030 [marquage] => 0 [datmaj] => 28/11/2024 14:35:40 [datecreation] => 11/05/2001 16:44:13 [horaires] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [date_debut] => 01/01/2024 [date_fin] => 31/12/2024 [heures] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [heure_debut] => 11:30 [heure_fin] => 14:00 [lundi] => N [mardi] => N [mercredi] => N [jeudi] => O [vendredi] => N [samedi] => N [dimanche] => N [acces_permanent] => 1 [tps_acces_fin] => 0 [commentaire] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [heure_debut] => 11:30 [heure_fin] => 15:00 [lundi] => O [mardi] => O [mercredi] => O [jeudi] => N [vendredi] => O [samedi] => O [dimanche] => O [acces_permanent] => 1 [tps_acces_fin] => 0 [commentaire] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [heure_debut] => 18:00 [heure_fin] => 21:00 [lundi] => O [mardi] => O [mercredi] => O [jeudi] => N [vendredi] => O [samedi] => O [dimanche] => O [acces_permanent] => 1 [tps_acces_fin] => 0 [commentaire] => ) ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [date_debut] => 01/01/2025 [date_fin] => 31/12/2025 [heures] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [heure_debut] => 11:30 [heure_fin] => 21:00 [lundi] => O [mardi] => O [mercredi] => O [jeudi] => O [vendredi] => O [samedi] => O [dimanche] => O [acces_permanent] => 1 [tps_acces_fin] => 0 [commentaire] => ) ) ) ) [criteres] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736000010 [nom] => Pets welcome [type_critere] => 1 [type_valeur] => 2 [classe] => 2 [modalites] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 101 [nom] => YES [ordre] => 1 ) ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736000079 [nom] => Languages spoken at reception [type_critere] => -1 [type_valeur] => 2 [classe] => 2 [modalites] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 70 [nom] => German [ordre] => 2 ) ) ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736000294 [nom] => Photo [type_critere] => 0 [type_valeur] => 6 [classe] => 0 [valeur] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736001115 [nom] => Photo intérieur [type_critere] => 0 [type_valeur] => 6 [classe] => 0 [valeur] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736001117 [nom] => Crédit photo3 [type_critere] => 0 [type_valeur] => 2 [classe] => 0 [valeur] => Snack Buchheit ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736001119 [nom] => Photographic credit [type_critere] => 0 [type_valeur] => 2 [classe] => 0 [valeur] => Snack Buchheit ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736001142 [nom] => Photo2 [type_critere] => 0 [type_valeur] => 6 [classe] => 0 [valeur] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736001143 [nom] => Crédit photo2 [type_critere] => 0 [type_valeur] => 2 [classe] => 0 [valeur] => Snack Buchheit ) ) [disponibilites_synthetiques] => Array ( ) [disponibilites_detail] => Array ( ) [criteres_formates] => Array ( [Pets welcome] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736000010 [nom] => Pets welcome [type_critere] => 1 [type_valeur] => 2 [classe] => 2 [modalites] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 101 [nom] => YES [ordre] => 1 ) ) ) [Languages spoken at reception] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736000079 [nom] => Languages spoken at reception [type_critere] => -1 [type_valeur] => 2 [classe] => 2 [modalites] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 70 [nom] => German [ordre] => 2 ) ) ) [Photo] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736000294 [nom] => Photo [type_critere] => 0 [type_valeur] => 6 [classe] => 0 [valeur] => ) [Photo intérieur] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736001115 [nom] => Photo intérieur [type_critere] => 0 [type_valeur] => 6 [classe] => 0 [valeur] => ) [Crédit photo3] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736001117 [nom] => Crédit photo3 [type_critere] => 0 [type_valeur] => 2 [classe] => 0 [valeur] => Snack Buchheit ) [Photographic credit] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736001119 [nom] => Photographic credit [type_critere] => 0 [type_valeur] => 2 [classe] => 0 [valeur] => Snack Buchheit ) [Photo2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736001142 [nom] => Photo2 [type_critere] => 0 [type_valeur] => 6 [classe] => 0 [valeur] => ) [Crédit photo2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 736001143 [nom] => Crédit photo2 [type_critere] => 0 [type_valeur] => 2 [classe] => 0 [valeur] => Snack Buchheit ) ) ) 1